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Complaints Procedure
Any patient or immediate relative or carers of a patient may lodge a complaint about our services
Our internal complaints procedure helps us to develop a quality service to our patients. It provides a means for us to identify flaws in practice procedures and to rectify them at an early stage.
To submit your complaint, Please complete the Complaints > form
If required, advocates may be nominated by the patient to overcome language difficulty or infirmity. However, the patient (or guardian) will still be required to sign the complaint form to allow access to medical records, if required. You may also like to contact the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service for help. The address and telephone number is shown below:
Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
236-238 Mare Street
London E8 1HE
0300 330 5454
It must be stressed that giving an investigator free access to all material relevant to the complaint can raise certain questions about confidentiality. Provided that the complainant is the patient or acts with the patient’s consent, disclosure to an investigator is justified. If the patient is a minor, (aged under 18 years), the situation is a little more complicated. The minor must be able to understand the implications of signing the form to agree to the disclosure of information. Although this information will remain within the practice, it is important that we obtain a signature before we can commence an investigation into the complaint. If the minor understands the implications, then his or her wishes will be observed A minor is considered to be incompetent to sign the form if he or she is unable to understand the full implications of signing the form and agreeing to the disclosure of confidential information. If this is the case, then a parent’s or guardian’s signature will be required.
Should you wish to discuss your problem with a Manager or Doctor, please ask for to speak to the Reception Manager or Local Operations Manager.
If after an internal investigation has been completed you are not satisfied with the outcome, then you are free to take the matter up with NHS England at the address below.
NHS England
PO Box 16738
Redditch, B97 9PT
Telephone Number: 0300 311 2233
Our Mission
“At First 4 Health Group, we are passionate about keeping you healthy.  We are committed to being role models and working as a team in order to support our patients, our colleagues and our community. We will maintain a positive attitude, show compassion, appreciate and treat everyone with respect.  We are dedicated to providing an extraordinary service to all."